Husna's Trips&Trots

A voice from a mother bestowed with a special child.... who teaches her to learn to forgive the little imperfections life offers, to start appreciating the blessings of having another day to live, to stop and smell the rose..Go play in the rain and laugh your heart away at the jokes your kids tell. This blog is dedicated to the transient life we have and learn to live to the fullest every single minute...

Friday, February 15, 2008

Embracing Life's Imperfection

It wonders me so much why people bother to death that their shoes should match with the handbags or even with the lipsticks they wear...when we have even bigger issues at hand. Think about those whose monthly salary is what we use to buy the diet supplement we ever so religiously take but never seem to have made you lose weight anyway..There's more to life than matching your outer attire to perfection or colour-coordinating your bags and shoes! Come on! Take some time and enjoy life in its simplicity!


  • At February 18, 2008 at 3:13 PM , Blogger Mynn said...

    True, true, true indeed. Just to share...subscribing to "Jane Powell's mediation for women" taught me a lot about ourselves as women, mothers, lovers (to our other half ler!), and daughters...Let's loosen up and eat more!

  • At April 14, 2008 at 10:51 PM , Blogger MummyMokJunn said...

    Yeah right suka makan! Eat more??? for those who don't have weight problem takpe lah. But like me, am struggling to lose more and more. Hey guys! Is there any machine like a refrigerator where when we get in it we're given choices to leave our fat in the box and use it later. Yele tu!


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